✨Marconics Ascension Energy Healing✨
Marconic-Energy is hailed by Spirit as “The Evolution of Energy
Healing,” and “The Vehicle of Ascension.” It is a gift that was
handed down at the time of “The Shift” for the purpose of
humanity’s evolution. The ‘NO-TOUCH’ Healing Protocol raises your
vibrational frequency by running Marconic Energy – encoded with Light
information – through selected points on the body’s own energetic
grid system. The goal of a ‘No-Touch’ Session is to raise your
frequency so high that you have an opportunity to connect to Higher
Dimensional Aspects of Self… while lifting you out of the
“fear-based” frequencies of the 3rd dimension, activating dormant
spiritual DNA, and creating peace and balance in the physical,
emotional, and mental bodies. The energy you receive acts as an
accelerant for your healing journey & personal life path as you shed
density and release karmic Imprints; which, especially when received as
an on-going therapy, can result in triggering profound and spontaneous
healing on all levels.
Marconics Ascension Energy is heralded by Spirit as: ‘The Vehicle of Ascension'; RECALIBRATING the Holographic Body Templates in preparation for 5D & 7D.
Full-spectrum Marconics Frequencies are drawn down from the Infrared System of the Cosmos to UPGRADE the Ascending Human vehicle to thrive in increasingly higher dimensions. Marconics Ascension Energy Protocols facilitate the rapid shedding of karmic debris; for spontaneous healing, to raise vibration, access newly available encodements, transmute miasma from the DNA, activate higher levels of dormant Spiritual DNA, and harmonize the Shadow-Self with Spirit, for connection to dimensionalized Source fields.
Become SOVEREIGN Masters of Co-creation
BIO: Robin Landau Is a Marconics Master Teacher and Practitioner. She has trained extensively and maintains ongoing mentorship with Marconics Originator Alison David Bird, C.Ht., and Co-Founder Lisa Wilson.