Sound healing is an ancient wellness practice for healing, relaxation, and self-care. A sound healing session involves lying down in a cozy and comfortable setting, closing our eyes, and focusing on sounds made by music instruments like chimes, gongs, and singing bowls. No need to pre-register for any workshop. Just drop in!
Renee has 20 + years as a psychic healer, spiritual teacher and divine channel of the light. She leads workshops, retreats and personal guidance sessions that connect you to your higher self, inner knowing, spiritual gifts, and life's path within our 1869 Gothic Revival Church we call The Heart Center nestled in the finger lakes region.
Renee is also vending at this fair- Find her Vending spot, and discuss her uniquely designed, and newly released Inner Alchemy Oracle Deck to assist in your Earth to Spirit "Soul Led" Journey.
Glimmerglass Room