Krissy, known as The Wandering Mystik, is a NY native. Growing up on a Dairy Farm in the Northern most tip of Appalachian, she was born into a family of Black Forest Mystik's. With her Clair Senses fully intact, she learned at an early age how to commune with the Dead and Arch Angels. It wouldn't be until her own personal healing journey brought her to "Wander" the Appalachian Mountain Range, thus discovering her own Divinely Annointed Healing gifts. Now, as a Fully Embodied Light being, she is here to Teach, Empower and Uplift humanity to their highest loving potential.
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Our Town Pub
The Wandering Mystik is back! This time with an interactive workshop exploring your Manifestation power through Reiki. This strong eclipse energy came in like an Aries, fiery, passionate and full of new beginnings. Learn how you can harness this energy to create magik in your own life. Out with the old and in with the new! Join us Sunday in the Pub to discover your hidden manifestation power.
Diana Friedell